Darcy Brenna  (b.1998, UK) paints from her heart what it is to love, to be loved, of loss, and rebirth. The paintings are raw and emotional, harvesting feelings from personal trauma. She paints with somatic memory, describing the process as a place to purge feelings. Painting fragments and ruminating over distressing thoughts and slices of memory in a paradoxical manner, Darcy is driven by the desperation to portray the complexity of what it feels like to exist.

She invites the viewer to uncover and spend time with her paintings. The Metamorphic bodies contort or shift space within her Intuitive and gestural brushwork. She paints fluidly and instinctively, allowing her unconscious mind to step forward, thus never planning or creating preparatory drawings.

Automatic writing plays a role in her work, between layers of paint often lay guttural and poetic writings that build up meaning for the painting. Layers of pentimento reveal the shadow of the painting beneath.